THE Power Of PR Speaker

How many family videos are too many?

September 14, 2023

I’m wondering: How often do you take family videos? During special occasions? When you see your kids doing something cute? I have a PR Pro Tip for you to try with your friends and family! 

Public relations professionals regularly prepare their clients for a press interview with what are called media trainings — where the PR person asks the client anticipated questions, and the client practices their answers on camera.  

What if we brought this practice of interviewing home, and asked, on camera, any family member willing, everything you want to know.  I highly recommend this exercise. Here’s one important reason why. 

In loving memory of my mother 
My mother unexpectedly passed away recently on August 10th. She was 83. I was in shock and devastated. I still am. After intellectually absorbing the news, the first thing I did the next morning before flying from Israel to Florida for the funeral was look for the interviews we recorded together: two long ones and one very short one. The first was conducted in 2001, and the second, in 2011, posed the same questions. I was curious if the answers would be different a decade later. Some were.

My favorite, though, is this spontaneous 1:14 video with my mother where she answers the questionnaire borrowed from the Inside The Actors Studio TV show – the same set of questions they asked the celebrities at the end of each episode.

Click the frame below to watch this short interview with my mother, the late, great Carol Cohen. (RIP Mom! Love you and miss you!!)

I hope this brings a smile to your face as it does mine. My mother and I enjoyed this video multiple times when we were in company together, and I’m so glad I have it now that she’s gone. 

I am sharing this not only in tribute but also to inspire you to do the same with the important people in your life, whatever their age, whenever possible, and repeatedly, with whatever your choice of questions. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Just do it! Carpe Diem!

I’m here for you if you need help with this. Simply reply to this email with these two magic words: Family Interview.

So my friend, my PR for Parenting and PR for Life tip for the day: There is no such thing as too many videos, even when your family jokingly protests that they’ve had enough of the camera in their face. Everyone will enjoy the playback in the future, and you will have wonderful memories to hold onto for years to come. 

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish those who celebrate a sweet, happy and healthy Jewish New Year –  Happy Rosh Hashanah!!

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